Plans for independent auditing of rodenticide point of sale controls have been announced jointly by BASIS Registration and the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU).
BASIS already has plenty of expertise in administering independent audits of pesticide stores. Indeed it was for this purpose that the organisation was originally established back in 1978, so that’s almost 40 years of checking pesticide stores.
The BASIS Stores Inspection Scheme, which already uses independent assessors to ensure compliance with regulations for the storage and distribution of professional pesticides, is set to be extended by BASIS and CRRU. Lindsay Smith-Boam, logistics manager at BASIS, says the creation of an audit process specifically for rodenticides will be significant in ensuring the success of the UK rodenticide stewardship regime. “Applying controls at the point of sale, such as checking distribution staff are aware of the regulations and best practice requirements, is an important part of stewardship,” she said. “For distributors already operating within the long-established Stores Inspection Scheme, the fact it will now cover rodenticides too should be seen as good news. “It will provide further evidence that the entire supply chain is controlling the availability of these products, as a result enabling continued access to them without further restriction. |
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“Those who have not been involved with BASIS before can rest assured that our experience will help their business meet stewardship requirements.”
Audits will apply to all supply routes – trade and retail, premises and internet – with the first audit cycle conducted by BASIS between February and November 2018. Rupert Broome, CRRU UK point of sale work group leader, says: “Any company or outlet selling professional use rodenticides must have passed a BASIS Point of Sale audit for rodenticide stewardship compliance by 30 November 30 2018. Failure to comply with any aspect of the stewardship regime may lead to the company concerned being reported to HSE, Trading Standards and any other relevant body. Under the UK rodenticide stewardship regime only qualified professionals can purchase professional strength rodenticides for outdoor use. Find out more about the proof of competence requirements and the checks rodenticide suppliers must make. |