PPC Live returns to Harrogate next week

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Organised by the British Pest Control Association (BPCA), PPC Live is taking place in Harrogate next Wednesday (March 19), and is designed for UK pest technicians, managers and company owners, including local authority pest control staff.

The exhibition and conference is a chance to get hands-on with the latest pest management innovations, and to pick up some new skills along the way. This year’s event will consist of practical indoor and outdoor product demos and seminars.

Covering topics including behavioural resistance in rodents, the biology of bed bugs and life after Bendiocarb, presentations will be taking place in a silent technical seminar theatre. With seating for 100 people, delegates will be able to listen to seminars via headphones – as they do at PestEx – so you won’t miss a single word.

Lauren Day, BPCA event manager, said: “We had feedback last time that visitors really liked the hands-on demonstrations at PPC Live, because that makes it different from everything else, so we’ve got an extra indoor demonstration area this time – there are some really good things for people to get stuck in to.

“There are more hands-on things to do. We’ve also got a roundtable discussion area that are being led by some of the committees to get people’s views and get them involved in big subjects.”

Lauren said delegates who pre-register will be given a free hot drink and a free bacon roll when they arrive in Harrogate.

She highlighted that government agencies, including HSE and Natural England will be exhibiting at PPC Live.

“It’ll be nice for people to be able to go over and actually ask questions of them face-to-face,” Lauren said.

When it comes to CPD, delegates can log unstructured points, in addition to points for attending the demonstrations and seminars

Lauren said that BPCA is working on getting more people from the agricultural world to attend PPC Live.

“We’re working with some agricultural colleges, and have put together a trail for agricultural students, where they can learn about the role of pest management in agriculture, farming and food,” Lauren added.

“If we get them involved, they can see what we do. Hopefully, that’ll create a bit of a crossover where people might work together.”

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With more than 25 years' experience in business-to-business publishing, Simon is editor of LBM titles Pest and OvertheCounter. Big fan of Manchester United.