At Pest publications we are committed to independent and technically accurate reporting.
To help us achieve this we have created a Technical Advisory Board consisting of 12 well-known and highly knowledgeable individuals from within the pest control industry. To see who they are click here.
It therefore gives us much pleasure to announce the addition of a 13th member – Grahame Turner.
Grahame is technical manager for Network (now part of P+L Systems). It will come as no surprise to our readers, that the area of specific expertise Grahame will be covering forPestis practical urban bird management. Commenting on his appointment, Grahame said: “I am delighted to be invited onto the Technical Advisory Board and am keen to help ensurePestcontinues to be both informative and dynamic – a source of hot news and topical debate that the whole industry looks forward to receiving and reading.” Grahame is ideally placed to advisePeston technical matters having studied applied zoology at Bangor University and insect control at Southampton University. After this, Grahame went on to work in a variety of pest related roles, including: pest control operations with National Brittannia; insect breeding research with The Wellcome Foundation at Berkhamsted; and pest control consultancy to the food industry with ADAS. Since 1999 he has been technical manager at Network, now part of P+L Systems. Grahame’s role with P+L Systems involves developing new products for urban bird control and providing technical support and training on urban bird management in the UK and across the world. |