Ealing Council urges business to root out poor pest control services

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Local businesses in Ealing, London, are being urged to make sure they aren’t stung by poor pest control services that land them in trouble and could risk them being closed down.

Ealing Council said it has uncovered a number of issues during regular inspections in venues where the business owners had already paid for checks to be carried out by pest control companies.

The contractors had reported there were no issues, but the council would then find infestation by pests – which means the companies were unlikely to have checked thoroughly, or competently.

In response to the findings, the council has issued warning letters to 16 pest control companies operating in the borough that have carried out poor jobs.

Leaflets are also being sent out to local businesses with helpful tips and information on how to check if their sites are pest-free and continue to meet the standards.

Councillor Kamaljit Nagpal, the council’s cabinet member for decent living incomes, said: “Our dedicated officers are doing a fantastic job to make sure the borough’s businesses maintain the highest possible hygiene standards.

“Local businesses should regularly check that their pest control contractors are reputable and delivering a high-quality service.”

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About Author

With more than 25 years' experience in business-to-business publishing, Simon is editor of LBM titles Pest and OvertheCounter. Big fan of Manchester United.