After a successful first day, PestExtra is up and running and day two will start at 2pm today (Wednesday).
More than 40 exhibitors are showing off their latest products and offers; you can visit the stands, have a chat or video chat with members of staff on the stands and have a look around at what they have to offer.
PestExtra also has five theatres running ,with the bonus of an on-demand area so you can catch up if you miss anything.
The British Pest Control Association is also giving you the chance to get involved with some hot topics by joining roundtable sessions.
PestExtra can be accessed on smart phones, laptops, tablets and desktop computers.
CPD points galore
There are up to 10 structured CPD points available at PestExtra.
At the end of your visit, your activity will be converted to CPD points (one point per hour of CPD activity), and you’ll automatically have the appropriate amount of CPD points added to your BPCA Registered or BASIS PROMPT account.
- There is still time to register for the event, which runs between 2pm and 8pm today; and between 10am and 3pm tomorrow (Thursday). To register, click HERE.