Are you confident you are selecting the optimum insecticide formulation and the best active ingredient(s), in regards to efficacy, efficiency, safety, residuality, cost, potential damage to surfaces…?
And are you confident you are applying the insecticide optimally, efficiently and effectively, by using the most appropriate application equipment for each job, and using it correctly?
Do you understand the positives and negatives of all the different insecticide formulations? Do you know the difference between fogging, misting and ULV?
The NPTA one-day training course in Insecticide Selection and Practical Application will be covering these topics, and more.
The chart below emphasises the variation in flow rate (and therefore effectiveness of coverage) that can occur if you don’t use a pressure regulator on your sprayer.
Flow rates are just one thing we will be measuring, demonstrating and discussing on the new Insecticide Selection and Practical Application Course.
The first of these new one-day regional courses will be held on Tuesday, February 11, near Manchester.
To reserve a place, click here.