BPCA to host Belfast Forum

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BPCA’s Belfast Forum takes place on Wednesday, September 18, at The Balmoral Hotel on Blacks Road, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT10 0NF, from 8am-12.30pm.

The trade association said that it hosts these free events so everyone interested in pest management can learn, share and connect.

The Belfast Forum is sponsored by 1env Solutions.


  • 8am-8.30am: Registration, breakfast rolls and exhibitor tables
  • 8.30am-8.45am: Welcome and introductions, BPCA
  • 8.45am-9.30am: Stored Product Insects – Richard Faulkner, Envu
  • 9.30am-10.15am: Where, when & how can I bait? – Laurence Barnard, BASF
  • 10.15am-10.45am: Refreshments, exhibitors and networking
  • 10.45am-11.15am: Lets talk about wasps – Paul Westgate, Veritas Pest Consultancy
  • 11.15am-12pm: Customer Service; The Do’s and Dont’s – Natalie Bungay, BPCA & Darran Lebeter, 1ENV
  • 12pm-12.15pm: Meet the Member Benefit – Dan Newton, Logistics UK
  • 12.15pm-12.30pm: ndustry news and association updates, BPCA

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About Author

With more than 25 years' experience in business-to-business publishing, Simon is editor of LBM titles Pest and OvertheCounter. Big fan of Manchester United.